dimecres, 19 de març del 2014

Shadows Of The Forest - A Sami Legend

Traducció d'un capítol de la meua novel·la Les ombres del bosc (Shadows Of The Forest), per Paula Ferrero. Paula Ferrero Rodríguez, traductora, és una antiga alumna, que ara viu a Edimburg.
English translation of a chapter of my novel Les ombres del bosc (Shadows Of The Forest) by Paula Ferrero. Paula Ferrero Rodríguez,  translator, is my old student who now lives in Edinburgh.

Propietat: http://saamiblog.blogspot.com.es/
Vicent Enric Belda (author) / Paula Ferrero (translator)

About Men and Monsters. A Sami Legend

In winter, in the lands of Nord-Norge, during a long night of ice, a strong baby, whose parents called Suoma, was born in a Sami nomadic tent.
Suoma was an extraordinary boy, that is what the xaman who attended his birth said, and he blessed the baby with his arcane prayers.
With time, Suoma turned into a strong and wise young man. Woman fell in love with his melodious tunes and he charmed men with his bravery when hunting and also with his words which were always fair and wise.
Sami people admired the young Suoma so much that they made so many praises to him that even the spirits of the aurora borealis were jealous. Therefore, one night while he was sleeping, the spirits of the aurora borealis divided him into two Suoma pieces with a rainbow lighstaber: into two weaker beings, two twins who are still alive. One was called Dievdu, which means “man” and the other Gumpe, which means “wolf”.
After time: winters and summers, days of darkness and nights of light, Gumpe became  such a rabid, wild and untamed young man who was unable to live with Sami people without fighting with some man for a silly thing or without raping some woman with his wild insolences. A cold night, after beating a drunk man who dared making fun of his bad temperament, he escaped to the mountains to live alone, in the hidden depths of the forest.
Whereas, his twin Dievdu became a really calm young man. He read and wrote like a wise man. He liked singing the old songs of the tribe and telling legends of their ancestors. He lived among the Sami people until he was tired of the hard nomadic life and he moved to live in a big city.
However, it is known that one’s blood is always missed. Frequently, Dievdu while he was reading a book next to the fireplace, his brother Gumpe came to his mind. In turn, Gumpe,  while he was hunting between wolves, he missed the days with his beloved blood brother. That is why, sometimes, in the hours of twilight where everything is possible, Dievdu and Gumpe met just in the invisible borders which were drawn between the city and the forest  and then, their souls came together again in one being, in one spirit, in one powerful and untamed reality.
During those rare moments, the sky and the earth trembled and shook because there was no power able to bend his strength and no force could scape his immense power.

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